About us.
The River Community Church in Abbotsford, BC is intentional about being immersed in the Father’s love. We value growing and cultivating a deeper relationship as a Son or Daughter of a loving Father.
Our vision is to see His children healed and set free emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. We long for his sons and daughters to be walking in health and wholeness as Jesus intended.
We desire to see each individual equipped and passionate about their destiny and calling in Abbotsford & beyond. We know God has called us to be a body with many talents and strengths. We are excited to watch and facilitate opportunities for you to fulfill yours.
We anticipate our church being able to encourage and celebrate with one another as we pursue a relationship with the Father, receive inner and outer healing, become equipped and victorious in bringing the love of Jesus and the Father to those in your sphere of influence.
If you are looking to be apart of a community church that is intentional about loving, healing, equipping and ministering all from a place of security in the Fathers love, you’ve reached the right place. We welcome you to join us in Abbotsford as we pursue the fullness of life God has planned for each of us.
River Prophetic Words 2001-Present
1. Healing Pool - This will be known for praying for the sick and seeing the sick healed! Miracles will happen in this place. The pool of healing is going to open up in a greater way.
2. Hospitality/Generosity/ Business - The Lord is going to give you more baskets filled with fruit for you to GIVE to others - you will be a lender in times of need. Your storehouse will be fully. It will be a place of financial blessing. God will draw people to this house that are good stewards. Leaders positioned in the market place will come . God will cause provisions to come to their businesses.
3. Worship/Creativity Anointing - There are song writers in this place - a psalmist anointing. Worship that is going to release the sound of Heaven. Creativity in this place that will draw others - dancers, flaggers, painters and writers.
4. Teaching - Many are going to come and be trained. The Lord will use you to train and equip and send out from here. This will be an Antioch for the Kingdom
5. Growth/ Evangelism - God is arranging things. He's bringing those with the same DNA to this house. Many who have been crying out for 'more' are coming. There is an impartation for evangelism and reaching the lost.
6. Prophetic Gifts and a place of Visitation - Heavenly visitations are going to be a part of this house. Supernatural and angelic visitations. A John the Baptist anointing for the prophetic, revelatory and evangelism here. The Lord is going to release the well. There is a seers anointing in this place, but what is going to come is a FULLNESS of the release.
7. Inner Healing/ Freedom/ Father's and Mother's - people are going to be coming in like 'mummies'- completely bound up - and people in this house will be a part of releasing them. There are freedoms in this house , There are givers of life in the River. There is also a new wave of mother's and fathers, that has nothing to do with age, but by their calling and hears.
8. Children - revival - Children revivalists - The Lord is raising up children in this house. He is going to anoint them in a new way. There will be a fire in them for evangelism - carriers of God word and His power.
9. House of Leaders - Training up and releasing - God has called this house to be a house of leaders. People of this house will carry an apostolic authority . They will walk in integrity, passion and compassion, plus a zeal that will be contagious.
10. Prayer and Intercession - This will be a place where the intercessors will be drawn, including the retired intercessors. God will give you new strategies in prayer.
11. Unity/ Nations - God has given you the Nations. He says there are church planters AND revivalists among you. You will be a house that will walk in unity towards one another, and that unity will flow out towards your city. You will be known as a place that BLESSES, not curses. You will be a place where other leaders from other churches, will feel safe. This will be a place that they will come to for prayer, wisdom and healing.