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At a time when so many are experiencing the excitement and wonder of the season; for many others, it brings a stark reminder of pain and loss. Tensions run high as people are focused on what they have and don’t have; and comparison threatens to steal every ounce of joy that it can.

In the middle of it all, there is a reason that we celebrate.

On a cold dark night, angels came with an incredible announcement that the Messiah had been born. The One who would rescue all people from the chains of sin and death had come.

Can you imagine the emotions felt by the shepherds as they went from peace at being settled in for the evening, to fear at the angels appearing; to the ecstatic joy over the news that their long awaited Saviour had come?

No matter whether we are celebrating or grieving, we too, can rejoice that Jesus came to save us.

We can experience the joy of knowing that His love for us was so great that He would leave Heaven, come to earth, live as a human with all the tests and trials that we experience: and then give up His life so we could have eternal life and live with Him forever.

That is truly a reason to be joyful.

Joy to the World

The Lord has come

Luke 2: 9-11

9 Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared in radiant splendour before them, lighting up the field with the blazing glory of God, and the shepherds were terrified! 10 But the angel reassured them, saying, “Don’t be afraid, for I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard! And it is for everyone everywhere! 11 For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you. He is the Lord Yahweh, the Messiah.

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