1st & 3rd Saturdays of Every Month 10am-12pm
Unit 14 – 33550 S Fraser Way,
Abbotsford, BC V2S 5G7
(Currently hosted on Zoom)

Spirit Cafe is hosted virtually on Zoom.
For more information, and to find Spirit Cafe schedule, please see upcoming calendar here.​
Like many churches we have not had the 'lost' beating a path to our door, so we decided to take God to them! Our treatments use the terminology that the world understands, but we are fully and completely God-based in all that we do!
We do a training twice a year to continue to add staff to the Cafe. Our Cafe is currently staff by people from 8 different churches - all of whom have been blessed and released by their pastors to be a part of this amazing outreach! We offer the Cafe on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month from 10am-12pm.
The Spirit Cafe has been a great place for those with prophetic gifts to function outside the church - taking their gift out to the people who most need it. Every week there are lives touched, hearts healed, encounters with the love of God and more! Our treatments are all reliant upon the Spirit of God, which is the Holy Spirit. There is NO CHARGE for any of the treatments we offer! Our treatments are listed below -- Sign up for yourself and find out more!
Treatments include:
- Spiritual Reading :: Encouraging Words given as we hear from the Spirit of God
- Physical Healing :: Healing Prayer for any pains or illnesses
- Peace Treatment :: Bringing the Spirit of Peace
- Spiritual Cleansing :: Exchanging guilt, shame, regret or unforgiveness
- Dream Interpretation :: God often speaks to us in messages through dreams.